As the industry leader in wood-to-wood fixing, Paslode are proud to offer training to our users – from those who are helping us to sell our products to those who work with them.
Our End User training course is designed for all tradespeople who have a Paslode tool in their hands on a daily basis. The aim is to empower users with the confidence to use our tools correctly as well as select the right nails for the job in hand by educating on tool operation, consumables, maintenance and PPE in- structions.
We also offer a Branch Staff training course. Designed for our dealer and trade counter staff, the course aims to improve understanding of the features and benefits of the Paslode tool systems.
On finishing the course, the user will receive a certificate of completion (valid for 2 years), as well as some useful downloads relating to Paslode tools, nails, and applications to print off and take away with you.